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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Boeing teaches two UAVs to flock together

Boeing is always doing some interesting experiments with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) before, and they have just created a new “milestone” with multiple unmanned aerial drones.Granted, it was only two drones (Boeing ScanEagles), but the company got them to fly together. These vehicles searched a test area through “self-generating waypoints and terrain mapping, and sent information to teams on the ground”.This means that unmanned aircraft can collect and use data while communicating with each other for their mission. I’m sure that you can easily imagine more than two aircraft involved in a search-and-rescue...

Friday, August 26, 2011

Vivitar 690HD Digital Video Recorder

Vivitar calls its 690HD camera a DVR. This is an abbreviation for Digital Video Recorder, but it has nothing to do with what your TiVo does.The Vivitar 609HD is a handheld camera that looks like it should be held horizontally, but it is best used vertically as the user can see the 2-inch preview screen.I got a chance to try it out, and the video is good for 1280 x 720 HD, 640 x 480 VGA, or 320 x 240 QVGA. The frame-rate is good for 25fps, 30fps, and 30fps, respectively. The camera is also capable of still shots, but I don’t have any word on the number of Megapixels.The 690HD has very little built-in...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cowboys And Aliens

Time for a movie review of Cowboys and Aliens!Well, it may as well be said up front. This movie is very much one that will either be liked or hated, based on the person. It all depends on what you are expecting out of the movie, really.Me? I liked it. It is a simple enough premise that borrows form established genres and pays affectionate homages to both. The movie begins with Daniel Craig waking up bloodied in the desert, with his memory gone, a mysterious bracelet firmly attached to his wrist, and a picture of a mysterious woman on the ground next to him.As Craig wander into a dusty...

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)

The original Planet of the Apes movies were done well before my time. Back in 1968, a young Charlton Heston traveled to post apocalyptic earth to discover it was now run by gorillas, chimps, and orangutans. That began a successful string of films leading up to the 2001 Tim Burton remake of Planet of the Apes starring Mark Wahlberg. Fast forward to 2011. Anyone who had seen the original movies wondered how the Apes had taken over earth. The new film, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, answers all of those questions, and foreshadows more prologues to the original films.Rise of the Planet of the Apes...

Man narrowly escapes death after pet hamster bite

A father of two was almost killed after he was nipped by his daughter's pet hamster.Ashley Green, 51, suffered an extreme allergic reaction to the bite after he tried to stop pet rodent Sydney from falling through a crack in the floor.The frightened hamster sunk it's tiny teeth into Mr Green's thumb and palm and within minutes he had turned grey and begun making a gargling sound. Mr Green has a severe allergic reaction to a hamster biteHis horrified wife, Michelle, 45, hurriedly dialled 999. Describing the dramatic ordeal she said: "Ashley was bleeding. Then his face went white and he said he...

Monday, August 22, 2011

2013 Mazda MX-5 Miata

There are several rumors flying around for these couple of years about the condition of Mazda MX-5 Miata. There are rumors that the new 2013 Mazda MX-5 Miata will be produced and returned to the basic styling of its 1989 model, so the new 2013 model will be fuel efficient (more efficient than the previous one), lighter, and also cleaner.But now there’s realistic and official news from the company about the new 2013 Mazda Mx-5 Miata. Based on the realistic source – and also the drawing from the manufacturers’ artists itself – the rumors about the new ride seems to be confirmed. With the roadster...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Microsoft Kinect Hacked to play World of Warcraft

Living Rooms all around the world are shaking with fear of users actually taking swords and attacking their big screens thanks to a new hack for the MicrosoftKinect that allows gamers to play World of Warcraft without a keyboard.It’s no secret that the Kinect is rapidly becoming the most hacked device since the Hackintosh, but students at the University of Southern California’s Institute for Creative Technologies have takent he next step in developing a software hack which enables gamers to use the motion device to immerse themselves even deeper into the online Mid-evil world.The...

Vending machines spit out 3D glasses now

Aren’t you glad that 3D glasses are something that you wear across the front of your face, and not as personal as a pair of earbuds? Good thing this makes it easier to use 3D glasses in movie theaters, never mind that a gazillion other people have also worn the same pair of glasses before you did. Well, the next time you want to catch the next big 3D flick, how about bringing your very own pair of glasses along so that there is no more need to share with anyone else?Marchon3D is the brains behind this idea, where they have teamed up with Cinemark and UltraStar Cinemas in San Diego and Huntington...

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